HTML.edit 1.7.3 for Macintosh - ReadMe HTML.edit ©1994-1996 Murray M. Altheim, Equinox Development, All Rights Reserved. Please read the Legaleze section under HTML.edit Help for information regarding copyrights, credits and distribution. #### Availability **** Through January 1996, information on current versions is available from the HTML.edit home page at Non-beta versions of HTML.edit are distributed worldwide via info-mac, umich and their mirrors. Please email any comments or problems you find with this version to the author at After January 1996, the author's address will change to and the HTML.edit home page will change, probably a link off of Please watch for announcements in the newsgroup comp.infosystems.www.announce or contact the author to be added to the HTML.edit announcements mailing list. #### NOTES ON HTML.edit: **** Also see the section New Features under Help. No Usage Restrictions Please note that I have removed the commercial use restriction on HTML.edit. However, all distribution restrictions, copyright and intellectual property protections remain unchanged. Please see the Legaleze section under Help for more information. Index View A new feature is the ability to change the display contents in the Index using the Index popUp menu. The Index can view documents by name, , or path (ie., location). While in View by Document Path, documents that have no set path will be shown in single-quotes, such as Ôwelcome.htmlÕ as opposed to those that have a path: earth:www:welcome.html While viewing by TITLE, those documents having no TITLE element will be displayed as: [untitled]:Ôwelcome.htmlÕ Note that Index popup menu commands that pertain to document paths are dimmed when viewing the Index by name or title -- you must be viewing by path. Insert Export String --> Insert Custom Entity Previous versions allowed the insertion of text strings that were optionally translated upon export into date or time information. These strings were in the form "{Abbreviated Date}" using curly brackets. This version now uses an SGML entity-style format as the inserted string, such as "&date;" or "&time;". Existing documents using the curly bracket strings should be changed to the new format using a global replacement to the new format as shown below: Old Format New Format {Short Date} &date; {Abbreviated Date} &abbrevDate; {Long Date} &longDate; {Time} &time; {Long Time} &longTime; Use the Replace command (under the Utility menu) with the options set to "All Occurrences" and "All Documents". If you are transferring documents between versions of HTML.edit, uncheck the option "Translate Entities on Export" on Import/Export Preferences. Footers As no definition of a footer exists in HTML, this editor defines a footer as any text following a <!--FOOT--> tag used as a separator, regardless of whether this tag occurs in the Body or Footer text areas of the editor. The separator is an HTML comment, which should be ignored by WWW browsers, and can be modified from the Preferences card. I use this feature to automatically cue HTML.edit to separate out the footer text on imported documents. Modifying the "footer" of many documents is then simplified. Help If you are upgrading from a previous version, please check the Installing HTML.edit section in Help, especially if you notice any anomalies with the Futura display font. There is no longer any font suitcase to install. Note that previous versions of HTML.edit included the HTML documents "Mosaic for X version 2.0 Fill-Out Form Support" (courtesy NCSA) and "HTML and SGML" (which is part of Dave Raggett's HTML 3.0 draft). These online documents are now referenced via the Browse Hotlist submenu under the tool palette's Preview menu. Hotlist Menu Please note that the current version does not support semicolons on the Hotlist submenu, either in the URL itself or in the displayed menu text. URL Parsing Bug My parsing routines for URLs choke on equal signs (ie., "="). This only seems to show up in the Index Anchors/HyperText Links command. Miscellaneous The name of the Font menu has been changed to the Style menu. Version 1.7.3 sports a few new key shortcuts that should prove handy. Both Index and Hilight HTML now have an All Headings command. #### Change History **** (1.7.3d192/1.7.3 1996.01.15) - fixed text selection bug on search and replace strings in Replace (1.7.3d191/1.7.3 1996.01.01) - fixed overflow bug on import - overflow option on imports greater than 60K - added overflow checking on structure commands - fixed disappearance of Index/Hilight commands on Style menu - now uses text selection as TITLE if no current title (will default to first available H1) - fixed rename from Index bug - Find command now works from Index (1.7.3d186 1995.11.30) - added new Find and Find Again commands (borrowed from 1.8a) - modified Replace dialog box and added new functionality (borrowed from 1.8a) - fixed style menu bug on simplified tool palette - fixed restore prefs bug on export conversion table checkbox mirroring of button on Import/Export Prefs - fixed Table of Contents bug when displaying Headers/Footers in Index - fixed Restore Preferences bug on not setting indexed flag false on changes to 'Show Master Headers/Footers in Index' - fixed bug in optional attributes on Anchor Utility - removed extraneous Labels stuff from Preferences (1.7.2d180/1.7.2 1995.10.07) - fixed disappearing Index bug (1.7.1d179/1.7.1 1995.10.04) - fixed parsing bug in unHTML - fixed bug in Edit menu "Edit Clip Library" - checks for AppleScript availability - return in URL field containing "://" will attempt to load the URL via the specified browser - Note field now part of Help (1.7.1d178 1995.09.29) - fixed bug in choosing "Selected Document..." on URL popUp menu when Index is displaying document name - fixed problem with remembering locations of Format, Form and Table palettes - URL popUp now creates absolute URL for documents with no path - increased width of document selection dialog for use with full path - moved non-HTML 2.0 styles to "custom" submenu - Indexing/Hilighting now aborts on elements not having both open and close tags - added Command-Quote: if insertion point, inserts '"', if a text selection, surrounds the text with '"[text]"' - fixed reselection error in unHTML (Control-Shift-[new element | Delete]) (1.7.1d175/1.7.1b1 1995.09.20) - Control-Delete removes surrounding tags (checks tag match; attributes OK) - Control-Shift-[key] replaces current surrounding tags with new tags - restore now handles previous version Prefs files OK - fixed getTEXT bug in date/time entities - URLs in HTML.edit Help are now browseable (1.7.1d173 1995.09.17) - added Clip Library Custom HTML Elements - added Custom Styles to Font menu and Custom Style Table to HTML Prefs - fix for Prefs section-switching bug on Norwegian systems - Anchor Utility's HREF popUp: "Add this URL to Hotlist" now works - fixed field and button handling on two optional attributes on Anchor Utility (mailbox flag icon) - located and fixed bug in Index/Hilight All Headings - no longer sets indexed=FALSE on import/export from Preferences - fixed ugly way (return-wise) items were being inserted into HEAD (1.7.1d166 1995.09.11) - stop button on Reconvert HTML to Entities progress window now works - Remove HTML now also removes attributed list and PRE tags (COMPACT/WIDTH) - Remove HTML now also retranslates < > " & - fixed problem with inserting custom entities from Utilities popUp menu - keyword field now visually differentiated by moving its margin to the right - Index/Hilight HTML now handles: All Headings, with or without attributes Anchors with both NAME and/or HREF - added Netscape file creator ("MOSS") to export options (1.7d165/1.7.0 1995.09.04) - added Balloon Help for many Prefs options - speeded up transition between Prefs sections - added overflow checking on Index - final cleanup for release